Bar Mutual provides professional indemnity insurance to self-employed barristers in England & Wales. 



All self-employed barristers are required by the Bar Standards Board to purchase their primary layer of professional indemnity insurance from Bar Mutual and Bar Mutual is obliged to provide them with professional indemnity insurance. Bar Mutual also provides professional indemnity insurance to single person entities that have been authorised by the Bar Standards Board and, on a discretionary basis, multi-person entities and alternative business structures that have been authorised or licensed by the Bar Standards Board.

Bar Mutual provides comprehensive professional indemnity insurance cover and an excellent claims handling service. As a mutual owned and controlled by its Members, Bar Mutual ensures Members' collective interests are paramount.

Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Thirty-Sixth Annual General Meeting of the Company (the “AGM”) is scheduled to take place on Thursday 10 October 2024 at 7 King’s Bench Walk, Temple, London, EC4Y 7DS, and electronically in accordance with the information provided in the following paragraph, commencing at 5:30pm.

Members are invited to join in person or participate electronically via Microsoft Team Meeting using the following access information:

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 345 263 970 921
Passcode: v22rty

Join with a video conferencing device

Video Conference ID: 129 378 542 8

Or call in (audio only)


+44 20 4526 5741  United Kingdom, London

Phone Conference ID: 604 717 026#

Please enter your name/email to join the room.  The room can be accessed through any device that has a camera and microphone (for example a laptop or mobile device).  As Microsoft Team allows for a maximum of 1000 attendees, could you please notify if you intend to join the meeting via Microsoft Teams.

The documentation in relation to the Annual General Meeting is available on the Downloads page.

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